Legendary "Assassin", DJ HUTCH

"Cecil Pressley", known To Hip Hop as a Pioneer DJ, The "Original Turntable Assassin Dj Hutch" started djing in the early 70s and my mentor was The Grand Master Flash and Pete Dj Jones. Back in 1973 I Accumulated my own sound System for me and my Brother The Worlds Famous Dj Supreme and put together a group called The Century 5 In 1975 I used to Dj at The P&P Lounge for Pete Dj Jones. Doing party's all through Bronx New York. At that time I was a member of The Fantastic Partners Dj Supreme & Hutch, Magic Mike & Grand Wizard Theodore. I was djing in Club 371, Club Roots, Webster PAL, Forest Gym, Skate Fever. Now in 1986 I was the Manager and Dj at The Zodiac ll. On Jerome ave in the Bronx I installed the sound system for the Zodiac ll and at that time I was Referred as The Grand Pubar Dj Hutch. In 1978 I put together a sound system for me and my brother Dj Supreme and named it The Wall of Thunder In 1992 I move out of Forest Project where my music Career began and moved To River Park Towers. That's when me and my brother Supreme started getting gigs in Manhattan Brooklyn & Queens. Around 2008 I linked up with ll Tone Sound & Entertainment djing for a lot of events. People would rent ll Tone sound and hire
Me to Dj for there events.
Now I'm live on SDI RADIO The Assassin Dj Hutch.
Email cecil.pressley@yahoo.com
Phone # 347-394-6330
The Assassin Dj Hutch