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Sango Tyehimba


The SnowStorm D.J. Poetre’e A.K.A. Smooth Daddy was born in the South Bronx.  I was raised on the Original Snake Hill which is on 184th street.   I am one of the founding members of RAW Posse “Rappers At Work” and have performed at venues such as Studio 54. I have produced music and songs throughout the years and still currently producing.  I first learned how to rap by listening to the groups of the time period.  I started learning how to play music from D.J. Cameo, Grand Wizard Theodore, Boogieman, and Sir Ski-Bo Ski just to name a few.  In the late 80's and early 90's Grand Wizard Theodore and I would D.J. for the Male reviews that were held at the Parkside Plaza, Harlem ballroom on 125th and a few other places that have closed. That is when I learned that I didn't have to put on a show at every venue.  I was taught to relax and just play music.  I play all kinds of music to include but not limited to Disco, Club, Rap, Reggae, house, club, R&B etc.  I  attended the local schools and graduated from Monroe college with Honors and a degree in Information Technology. Now we are back on the tables and behind the board bringing back some of the sounds that we all can respect.  I am local to the Tri-State Area and Philly. Just be warned.  I rock with my Swampcity SGM, DOT, and Hills have eyes family.  GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.


Contact info for event booking

Ph: 959.929.8458

FB: Poetree Tyehimba

IG: Sango Tyehimba/tyehimbasango



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